Tomography of the middle ear

CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) of the middle ear is a specialized X-ray imaging procedure that captures detailed 3D images of the middle ear and its structures. The middle ear is a crucial part of our hearing mechanism, located between the external ear (eardrum) and the inner ear (cochlea and vestibular system).

The main objective of using CBCT for middle ear imaging is to obtain a high-resolution, 3D visualization of the middle ear's anatomy and any associated pathologies. This detailed imaging can be instrumental in diagnostic and surgical planning.

Use cases:

  • Chronic Otitis Media: Evaluation of the extent and complications of chronic ear infections.
  • Cholesteatoma: Identification and assessment of cholesteatomas, which are skin growths that can occur in the middle ear leading to hearing loss and other complications.
  • Ossicular Chain Disruption: To assess the condition of the ossicles (tiny bones in the middle ear) especially in cases of suspected disruption or damage.
  • Pre-surgical Planning: Before surgeries like stapedectomy (for otosclerosis) or tympanoplasty (eardrum repair).
  • Traumatic Injuries: Evaluation of the middle ear structures after trauma.
  • Congenital or Developmental Abnormalities: To assess anomalies in the middle ear's anatomy.


  • High-Resolution 3D Imaging: Offers a detailed and precise view of the middle ear structures.
  • Lower Radiation Exposure: Compared to traditional CT scans, CBCT exposes the patient to less radiation, making it a safer alternative.
  • Efficiency: The duration of a CBCT scan is shorter than that of a conventional CT scan.


When should it be performed?

CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) of the middle ear should be performed when a detailed 3D visualization of the middle ear and its structures is crucial for diagnosis, treatment planning, or post-treatment evaluation. Here are specific scenarios when a CBCT scan of the middle ear might be recommended:

  1. Chronic Otitis Media: If there's persistent or recurrent middle ear infection, especially when there are complications or when treatment isn't effective.
  2. Cholesteatoma Identification: When there's suspicion or evidence of cholesteatomas, which are non-cancerous growths that can develop in the middle ear and cause complications.
  3. Ossicular Chain Assessment: In cases of suspected disruption, damage, or malformation of the ossicles (tiny bones in the middle ear).
  4. Traumatic Injuries:Following trauma or injury to the ear or surrounding structures to assess damage to the middle ear components.
  5. Pre-surgical Planning: Before surgical interventions involving the middle ear, such as stapedectomy, tympanoplasty, or mastoidectomy, to understand the anatomy and any pathologies in detail.
  6. Post-surgical Evaluation: After surgeries involving the middle ear, to evaluate the outcomes and check for potential complications.
  7. Congenital or Developmental Abnormalities: When there's a suspicion of anatomical anomalies in the middle ear, which might affect hearing or predispose the patient to certain conditions.
  8. Hearing Loss Evaluation: When there's unexplained hearing loss, and there's a need to check the condition of the middle ear structures.
  9. Tumor or Growth Evaluation: For patients with a suspected tumor or growth within the middle ear or surrounding structures.
  10. Persistent Ear Symptoms: For unexplained symptoms such as pain, pressure, tinnitus, or vertigo, when other diagnostic measures haven't provided a clear diagnosis.

How does the procedure look like?

The procedure is non-invasive and painless:

  • The patient is asked to remove anything that may interfere with the imaging, including metal objects, such as jewelry, eyeglasses or hearing aids.
  • The patient either sits or stands in the CBCT machine.
  • The patient must remain still during the scan to ensure image clarity. As the scanner rotates around the patient's head, it captures multiple images from various angles, which are then reconstructed into a 3D model.

Do I need to prepare for the procedure?
No special preparation is required. However, you'll be asked to remove any metal objects like glasses, earrings, and necklaces. If you have dental appliances or dentures, you might need to remove them as well.

When will I get my results?
Shortly after each examination we will send the results via email to you and/or to your doctor's email address listed on the referral. Additionally we can provide the results on a CD or Pendrive.

Is it safe to have a Computed Tomography during pregnancy?
Always inform your dentist or technician if you're pregnant or suspect you might be. While the radiation dose is low, it's a general practice to avoid any unnecessary exposure to it during pregnancy.

Is there an age limit for Computed Tomography?

No, there isn't an age-specific limit. Computed Tomography can be beneficial for both children and adults, depending on the medical concern.

Always consult with your doctor for specific details and any further queries related to Tomography of the middle ear or any other medical procedure.

Where to find us

ikona czasMon - Fri 9:00 - 20:00 / Sat 9:00 - 14:00


270 zł

Duration of the examination

up to 30 seconds



Radiation Dose


3-20 hours flight
The radiation dose during the examination is minimal (20-150 µSv). To put it in perspective, it is equivalent to a 3-20 hours flight.
(for each service, please keep the hours of flying from polish version)


  • Ewelina G.
    star star star star star
    Do Skanai trafiłam w celu wykonania tomografii zatok. Jestem bardzo zadowolona ponieważ wszystko odbyło się sprawnie bez kolejek, Pani z recepcji bardzo miła. Serdecznie polecam to miejsce.
  • Mateusz Wilczyński
    star star star star star
    Bardzo profesjonalne podejście do klienta. Nowoczesne wnętrza i przemiła atmosfera. Bardzo sprawna obsługa - cała wizyta zajęła dosłownie kilka minut. Serdecznie polecam!
  • Torrinka 1401
    star star star star star
    Bardzo przyjemna atmosfera, pięknie urządzone, nowoczesne wnętrze, przemiła obsługa. Badanie przebiegło bardzo sprawnie i komfortowo. Serdecznie polecam to miejsce.
  • Katarzyna Okonska
    star star star star star
    Szybko i bez kolejki, bardzo miła i uprzejma obsługa, fachowo wykonane zdjęcie i do tego za rozsądną cenę, polecam serdecznie!
  • kolorowybalon
    star star star star star
    Bardzo profesjonalna i miła obsługa, szybki kontakt emailowy, świetna jakość badania

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